Sunday, September 21, 2008

8 days to eoys!

Yupp... it's 8 days to eoys after that i'm free! i know this post is like very long later but at least i'm bothering to post despite my umm... busy schedule. actually, in fact, i'm still partially slacking not studying very hard. hope i don't get a c for overalls because of that. i don't wanna get a c in sec1. maybe in sec2. but i wanna get in triple science. so no Cs until sec3. it's quite impossible but nvm. blah blah. that's it for now. ta ta. facebook is quite nice now. :D

Posted by Gladys Lim at 1:53 PM

Friday, September 12, 2008


blah blah... facebook is boring. today we changed seats. I'm STILL sitting beside winnie koh. so damn boring. and she called me a b. twice. like arghh. but i forgave her being the nice person i always was. :Di took lots of pics at the ngee ann exhibition. might consider posting some on facebook or maybe in the next post. I need to sew lots during the weekends. And study. eoys are like about 2 weeks away. too near to slack. today we did paper mache for our art mask. so fun. :D

Posted by Gladys Lim at 4:46 PM

Thursday, September 11, 2008

2 months later i think...

Hey, I’m back. Yup. My blog been very dead for a few months and I’ll be busy so it would be worse… :D Lots of stuff happened since my last post. Be yourself day and more. Plus cheese and double cheese situation. It’s not not working. Cheese is like um... sticking to me now. i dunno why too.

Posted by Gladys Lim at 12:43 PM

Friday, July 11, 2008


Sec 1 is supposed to be the most relaxed year in secondary life. but apparently, i don't think so. True... the homework load is manageable. But after the june holidays, projects kept coming in. now i have 11 projects. 11! crazy. i think i'm starting to regret joining girl guides cause there is lots of activities going on for gg. campfire and so on... but gg is enjoyable just time consuming... sigh. with 11 projects, there are still common tests! History, geography, chemistry. next week. Looks like this weekend i'm super busy. sat is used totally for gg. sunday for tests. i thought weekends are for relaxation. so not for this week. oh ya, i have spa for life science tomorrow. study. sigh. people who sleep early are pretty, fit and smart. people like me that sleep later than normal now are ugly, fat and stupid??? but obiviously i'm not. :D i know winnie koh sleeps late everyday and sleeps in class... lolx.

Posted by Gladys Lim at 1:40 PM

Wednesday, July 9, 2008


btw, i went to the night safari on sunday. really nice. and i even got touched by a bat. gross. today is the first day i'm sitting with keri. indeed keri is very blur.. but it's okay. there is a comprehension test going on. sigh...hope i score well.

Posted by Gladys Lim at 5:50 AM

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Raynard's birthday

i don't know why, but i became the organizer for the party and the host. quite tiring but fun in its own way. organizing a party for 8 years old. and some even younger. yup, i also took lots of pics with my phone. I also got a new bag. :D

Posted by Gladys Lim at 5:34 AM

Monday, July 7, 2008

Offically new.

My blog's new look is out. luv it. I changed seats on friday. Currently i'm sitting beside keri but it might change cause stacey and winnie both want to change places. i'm quite happy with my seat though. but i'm still near the teacher's table... am i that bad? Ying jia and gracia is sitting at the side of the class and they are very near each other. Ying jia got to sit with mira. lucky her. while gracia is sitting beside jolyn i think.

Posted by Gladys Lim at 7:04 AM

Start afresh!

I'm going to start my blog afresh. cause it's um... rather dead. Hope this blogskin works and is nice.

Posted by Gladys Lim at 6:30 AM