Friday, September 12, 2008


blah blah... facebook is boring. today we changed seats. I'm STILL sitting beside winnie koh. so damn boring. and she called me a b. twice. like arghh. but i forgave her being the nice person i always was. :Di took lots of pics at the ngee ann exhibition. might consider posting some on facebook or maybe in the next post. I need to sew lots during the weekends. And study. eoys are like about 2 weeks away. too near to slack. today we did paper mache for our art mask. so fun. :D

Posted by Gladys Lim at 4:46 PM

Thursday, September 11, 2008

2 months later i think...

Hey, I’m back. Yup. My blog been very dead for a few months and I’ll be busy so it would be worse… :D Lots of stuff happened since my last post. Be yourself day and more. Plus cheese and double cheese situation. It’s not not working. Cheese is like um... sticking to me now. i dunno why too.

Posted by Gladys Lim at 12:43 PM